Find Medically Complex Experienced Medical Doctors and Clinics
We have collected recommendations and researched key providers for individuals with medically complex needs. These doctors and clinics are recommended be members of our MCC community and are highly regarded. If you are looking for a specialist or clinic that could meet your needs, please search out database.
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Doctors and Clinics
Autism and Related Disorders
The Center for Autism and Related Disorders (CARD) at Kennedy Krieger Institute
Empowering neurodiverse individuals, families and communities, regionally and globally, through state-of-the-science clinical care, innovative research, and high-impact training.
Bone Disorders
Bone Center at Kennedy Krieger
Sees patients with a variety of disorders and diagnoses, including: Idiopathic osteoporosis in children and young adults, Unexplained frequent fracture syndromes, Osteopenia due to glucocorticoid use, cerebral palsy, spina bifida, spinal cord injury, immobilization, post-chemotherapy or celiac disease, Mineral disorders such as vitamin D deficiency, hypophosphatasia and hypophosphatemic syndromes, Genetic disorders such as osteogenesis imperfecta, fibrous dysplasia and Rett syndrome.